The Daily Developer
The Daily Developer
Being right vs. being effective

Being right vs. being effective

Everyone you work with will remember how you made them feel.

If you are remembered as someone who loves to engage in debate and grudgingly give in when you’re proven wrong, that’s a failure on your part to recognize the opportunity in front of you.

Instead of focusing on which person or idea is right and who’s wrong, try to realize that such classifications are often themselves misguiding.

Shifting to a strategy of being effective will quickly demonstrate how silly it is to try to be right all the time. Instead, you begin to focus more on the problem instead of the set of solutions. You learn to get at the root of the problem, talking to users or investigating root causes. This means you learn more about the domain and gain clarity and context surrounding the problem.

Then, when you get to the issue of identifying the solution, you can lead by example. Think about how to get the group to find the right solution together. You can even go so far as to not suggest any specific direction yourself, or lightly take on the socratic method. When the group finds a solution, celebrate the parts of the process that worked well. Retro on it with the group and help everyone solve the problems together.

The real win here is to become a concentration of great technical leadership within your group. Imagine the difference between that and being argumentative about your specific suggested solution. It’s no contest.

The Daily Developer
The Daily Developer
Meditations for software developers
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Dave Paola